Packaged heat pump solution for indoor swimming pools
Heatstar’s Gemini packaged unit for indoor swimming pooled includes an air-source heat pump to heat the air in the pool hall and the pool water. It also has a separation dehumidification heat pump to control humidity in the pool hall and extract latent and sensible energy, which is returned to the room air and pool water.
The Gemini combines the functions of both systems, as exhaust air-heat pumps extract heat from the exhaust air, reducing the need for efficiency-impairing frost protection.
The heating requirement of 29°C ensures high efficiency. Efficient air movement is achieved using electronically commutated backward-curved variable-speed fans.
Gemini units have a fully integrated controls package.
There is also the option of additional heat exchangers for air and pool water to use heat from external heat sources such as solar thermal, ground source or biomass.