Airedale extends close-control air-conditioning range

Close control
Airedale’s extended range of EasiCool close-control air-conditioning units offers cooling capacities from 5 to 60 kW.
Airedale has added larger models to its EasiCool range. The new models offer cooling capacities from 25 to 60, so that the entire range extends from 5 to 60 kW. The new units have tandem scroll compressors and are available with a downflow delivery system suitable for raised floors and in nine chilled-water and nine direct-expansion variants with the option of three case sizes. AireTronix controls enable full networking between units and building-management systems using interface cards and gateways. The compact dimensions of EasiCool units enable them to pass through a single door. They can be installed side by side. All maintainable components can be accessed from the front, and removable panels provide all-round access.
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