MITIE generates energy savings and income for Bedford Borough Council

MITIE has completed the first stage of a £1.7 million project for Bedford Borough Council to reduce running costs, generate income and cut carbon emissions across seven council properties. The first project is the installation of 212 solarPV panels on the roof of Allhallows multi-storey car park.
The panels will generate enough energy for the car park and sell energy to the National Grid — saving over £1900 a year in energy costs and generating an income of just over £6000. CO2 emissions will be reduced by 10.3 t a year.
The projects are being delivered as part of the Re:Fit project. In many cases, they will generate income for the council for the next 20 years. They are expected to repay their implementation costs within eight years.
The next project is the conversion of existing oil-fired boilers to gas at Borough Hall, followed by the installation of a biomass boiler at the site.