Environmental sensors are bus powered
Carlo Gavazzi’s bus-powered sensors for the Dupline system can monitor CO2 temperature and relative humidity. They provide significant wiring advantages in HVAC applications, producing considerable savings on installation cost and commissioning time.
These sensors are offered in different combinations of CO2, temperature and humidity to suit the application requirements. They are available with or without a display. The CO2 version has the choice of an LCD display or traffic-light indication.
The traffic-light version has a tri-colour LED that can show green, amber or red; the transition thresholds are programmable from the Dupline controller.
The CO2 sensor has a range of 0 to 2000 ppm and uses dual-source infra-red NDIR technology. Temperature sensors have a range of -20 to +50°C, and the humidity sensor covers 0 to 100% RH.
The Dupline 2-wire bus system provides communication and power and simplifies field-level wiring. The requirement for sub-panels, out-stations and local power supplies is removed.