CIBSE prepares to build on Part L
Welcoming the new Part L — CIBSE’s chief executive Julian Amey.
CIBSE has welcomed the publication of the new Part L of the Building Regulations, which contains many of the institution’s suggestions from the original consultation in 2004. CIBSE expresses disappointment that some measures relating to improving existing dwellings have been dropped, but supports ODPM in its efforts to drive up the energy efficiency of non-domestic buildings. To help professionals get up to speed on the revisions, CIBSE is holding a conference on 8 and 9 November. Details from or call Veron Williams on 020 8772 3613. For CIBSE, the key issues are compliance and widespread, cost-effective application. Particularly welcomed are the ODPM’s intention to introduce nationally recognised qualifications ‘to ensure a high level of compliance and understanding of the new regulations’ and to promote the development of self-certification schemes for Part L. CIBSE developed its own competent-persons scheme for Part L in 2002. Julian Amey, the institution’s chief executive says, ‘CIBSE’s priority now is to continue to contribute to the ODPM and wider industry thinking on the development of the best possible means to ensure that the implementation of Part L and, subsequently, the EPBD is as effective as possible.’