Bringing intelligence to lighting control

The LiveLink light-management system is the result of co-operation between lighting-technology company Trilux and sensor specialist Steinel. The system is based on the DALI standard and offers optimally matched hardware components and intelligent, intuitively operated software tools.
Designers and installers are offered preset room configurations for common applications such as corridors, offices and classrooms. Luminaires and sensors are grouped according to application and pre-equipped with the correct parameters. Savings in energy and operating overheads of over 50% can be achieved.
The LiveLink commissioning app has a graphical user interface and guides users through the installation process and commissioning. Lighting can be controlled with a smart phone or tablet with the LiveLink operating app or with a standard pushbutton.
Steinel sensors (pictured) form the basis of the system. They detect movement and respond to daylight levels to control the amount of artificial light delivered.