Cool-Therm offers chillers from stock
Cool-Therm stocks popular models of chiller that can be ordered and delivered to site in a matter of days rather than months. Current Tonon chillers in stock are listed on Cool-Therm’s web site, permitting ordering for immediate despatch and delivery to a site within days. Tonon chillers are particularly suitable for applications requiring low sound levels, such as hospitals and educational settings.
There is also a low-temperature option that provides high-intensity cooling for replacement applications requiring a larger capacity for a given footprint or lower temperatures for improved food hygiene.
Rob Young, the director heading up the initiative, says, ‘We believe the new service provides a valuable safety net for end users and facilities managers requiring a rapid replacement chiller. Plus, the Tonon machines are not only highly cost effective but based on excellent engineering for long-term performance, reliability and efficiency.’
To see current chillers in stock, use the link below.