Fan-coil unit is easily reversible
Advanced Air has developed a truly reversible fan-coil unit, enabling contractors to order units without specifying the handing, which is generally not finalised until late in the design process. Manufacturers cannot begin production without this information, a problem that is overcome by these reversible units.
Changing the handing of a unit takes only a few minutes in the factory and can be undertaken on site by the contractor or specialist fitters.
A universal coil can be easily removed, rotated through 180°, the heating-coil section removed, and the new coil assembly quickly refitted with the new handing arrangements.
The control box can also be easily moved.
With more designs and developments in the pipeline, Advanced Air is aiming to complete all the handing changes in less than five minutes.
The other benefit to Advanced Air is in a given size of fan coil, all units are identical — reducing production time, order processing and project control.