Heat pump delivers heating and cooling

Ereba monobloc air-to-water heat pumps can provide low-carbon heating and cooling for small commercial premises and homes. they are available with capacities from 4 to 21 kW from Ciat Ozonair and Toshiba Air Conditioning. They have a Eurovent-certified COP for heating of up to 4.3, giving them an A+ efficiency.
These heat-pumps have a 2-stage rotary compressor with an inverter-driven DC motor. Hot water can be delivered at up to 60°C with an ambient temperature of 10°C.
The packaged system comes with an integrated hydraulic module, Class A variable-speed pump and a built-in expansion tank. Air is purged automatically.
The variable-speed inverter-controlled fan enables gradual soft-start ramp up to protect power supplies. The night mode is extremely quiet in operation.
There are nine models — five single-phase and four 3-phase.