Fan-coil remote display module

Advanced Air, fan coil unit, air conditioning, remote display

Among a series of fan-coil designs from Advanced Air is a remote display module (RDM) It is mounted on the cover of the control box for easy access without having to remove screws or bolts. Commissioning is made much easier, and the fan coil can be commissioned without the BMS being completed. It also provides a cross check between what the BMS is displaying and what is actually happening within the fan-coil unit.

There are buttons for auto/manual selection, calibration and up/down buttons to change the fan speed (air volume) when in manual mode.

The display can show the voltage at the fan motor, enabling the air volume to be accurately calculated or found from a simple graph of voltage against air volume.

The state of the filters can be checked, and the RDM can be pre-set to alert the BMS at a pre-determined fan speed that the filter may need cleaning or replacing. This saves energy by not allowing the fan speed to go beyond a certain point.

When in automatic mode, the unit will display the voltage being applied by the BMS, which is helpful during commissioning by eradicating any confusion that can occur between the BMS engineer and commissioning engineer.

For more information on this story, click here: April 2017, 172
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