Compact AHUs are designed for energy efficient operation

Ciat’s Floway Access range of single-block air-handling units have brushless motors and high-efficiency plug fans to achieve high efficiencies and a wide airflow modulation range. The panels have thick insulation to ensure quiet operation. The Floway range includes five standalone dual-flow AHU modules to deliver efficient heating and cooling. The range covers airflows from 300 to 18 000 m3/h and includes five standalone dual-flow AHU modules.
• Floway Access RHE has a rotary heat exchanger and delivers airflows from 300 to 8500 m3/h.
• Floway Classic has a counterflow plate heat exchanger and airflows from 300 to 6600 m3/h.
• Floway Classic RHE has a variable-speed rotary heat exchanger for optimal energy recovery all year round. Airflow is from 300 to 18 000 m3/h.
• Floway Ceiling is appropriate for when there is no floor space available, Airflows are from 300 to 2600 m3/h.
• Floway Vertical has slim dimensions and is made for modular spaces in new or renovated buildings. These units combine heat exchange and ventilation from 300 to 2600 m3/h.
These units are certified by Eurovent.
To supervise control of the system, Floway Control runs units locally, but the main functions are also accessible via an Internet browser. Ciat’s remote monitoring solution, CiatM2M, enables equipment ot be tracked from afar.