ErP deadline looms for heating systems
More stringent regulations for space heating are on their way as the next phase of Ecodesign requirements come into effect in 2018 under the Energy-related Products Directive (ErP).
Firstly, from 1 January 2018, like-for-like replacement of non-condensing pressure jet boiler shells or burners under 400kW will no longer be possible. This was initially out of scope of the regulation to enable spares provision.
Then, from 26 September 2018, mandatory requirements for nitrogen oxide emissions will be come into effect. Maximum NOx emissions of 56mg/kWh will be enforced for gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) boilers and 120mg/kWh for oil-fired boilers.
The European Union’s Energy-related Products Directive (ErP) aims to reduce energy consumption by establishing minimum performance standards for new heating equipment. Its goal is to phase out the installation of less efficient equipment across Europe, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions sufficiently to achieve its 2020 targets.
For more details on this important issue see our News Analysis.