Verano’s breath of Fresh Air

Verano UK, one of Europe’s major trench heating and LST convector manufacturers has introduced its flagship Fresh Air product across Europe, including the UK.
Following extensive R&D at Verano HQ, the product was independently testing in universities and testing labs in Stuttgart. All the testing of Verano equipment complies to BS EN16430. The product was introduced at the ISH exhibition in 2017. Following interest from architects and M&E engineers, some have already used Fresh Air. Pictured here is a recent installation in progress.
Fresh air is introduced to the space via tempered air from air handling units (AHUs). In heating mode, the integrated stepless speed regulation fans with excellent sound power levels, offer excellent ‘throw’, particularly with large glazing heights. The Fresh Air system also works well alongside passive chilled beams, chilled beam cassettes or chilled ceilings to provide effective cooling.
There is an extensive range of LST convectors for schools, hospitals and care homes, with full technical support for installers.