HCFCs awareness

Guidance on regulations governing the use of ozone-depleting substances, such as some refrigerants, is available from the British Refrigeration Association. This guidance has been prepared as there is critical timing associated with phasing out refrigerants under the ‘Ozone depleting substances regulation’. It is important that everyone involved with the distribution and use of HCFCs, including R22, is fully aware of the issue. There are three key dates. • It will be illegal to use virgin HCFCs after 31 December 2009 for maintaining and servicing refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment.
• The regulation bans the use of virgin HCFCs, so these products cannot be stockpiled.
• A complete ban on the use of all HCFCs by 1 January 2015. The document can be downloaded from the web address below. It is Fact Finder 14.
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