Lighting controllers designed for buildings with high racks

Ex-Or now offers energy- and cost-saving lighting control for warehouses and storage depots with ceiling heights from 8 to 14 m. Ex-Or now offers energy- and cost-saving lighting control for warehouses and storage depots with ceiling heights from 8 to 14 m. The HighBay LightSpot presence-detection system can reduce energy costs by as much as 80% in a storage facility, depending on usage patterns, with a payback of less than a year. HighBay detectors have been specially designed to provide a narrow angle of view between racking aisles, enabling them to monitor much smaller and more precisely targeted areas than the established long-range series of LightSpot detectors. HighBay detectors can be surface or flush mounted or integrated into most types of luminaires to achieve significant savings in installation and commissioning costs.

For more information on this story, click here: Jan 09, 180
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