Inviron wins CAA maintenance contract for two buildings

Inviron has been appointed by the Civil Aviation Authority to maintain building systems at its two main sites — CAA House in central London and Aviation House at Gatwick.
Inviron will undertake planned preventive and reactive maintenance of M&E systems. Both sites will have dedicated site-based engineers to implement the comprehensive planned schedule of work and ensure that all maintenance is completed with minimal disruption to CAA staff. Inviron will also manage and co-ordinate maintenance work by sub-contractors and undertake ad-hoc M&E work at regional offices throughout the UK.
Steve Dutton, building-service manager from CAA, commented, ‘The CAA tender board were very impressed with the presentation and professionalism of the Inviron team at tender stage. All that was promised is already in place or is progressing on schedule — reinforcing the confidence when awarding the contract.’