Fans have efficient motors
Flakt Woods e3-Line fan concept includes the JM range of fans fitted with EFF1 motors to provide a more energy-efficient solution. The platform is complete and will enable motors with even higher efficiencies to be introduced in compliance with IEC 60034-30. Branded the e3-Line A range, it is available for selection using the on-line fan-selection tool.
To address the needs created by Part L, Flakt Woods has developed a tool to calculate annual energy consumption for individual fans.
Field tests have shown that replacing standard 2-pole 18.5 kW motors with high-efficiency EFF1 motors can save over £500 per motor per year. For many users, payback can often be measured in months.
The premium rating is only for motors greater than 1.1 kW, but 70% of the installed population is less than 1 kW.