Lindab tools simplify handling of circular ductwork on site
Lindab’s range of Smart Tools is designed to cut costs and boost efficiency and safety in the ductwork industry. The range is said to comprise the first tools and accessories to be purpose designed for measuring, cutting and handling circular ductwork on site. The range includes the SR cutter, designed as a working partner for the self-locking Lindab Safe Click system, which dramatically reduces the need for special tools, screws or rivets when connecting circular ductwork and fittings.
This cutter can cut all types of spiral ductwork up to 0.9 mm thick in diameters from 80 to 315 mm and lengths up to 3 m. It is portable and can be set up in just a few minutes.
Larger ducts from 315 to 1250 mm diameter can be cut more easily using SR rollers (illustrated) to hold and rotate duct sections.
There are also tools for moving ductwork around a site.
Larger sections can be handle using Lindab Smart carrying handles. Larger sections, big bends and heavy items such as attenuators, can also be handled with the TRO trolley.
Smaller ducting in multiple lengths can be handled by fitting snap-on sidebars to the trolley, complete with extension handle for easy steering.