On-demand chilled and boiling water adds to workplace quality
Instant chilled and boiling water on demand is available to employees in the central-London offices of Guardian News & Media from Zip HydroTaps in centralised vending islands on each of the four floors as part of the breakout areas. Designed by architect TP Bennett to provide an environment to support contemporary working practices, the layout includes breakout areas on each floor to promote professional and social interaction between departments.
Shane Kelly, lead designer at TP Bennett, says, ‘The islands and HydroTaps function as far more than tea and coffee points. They create a social hub and provide an alternative work setting, ideal for informal meetings.
Research at Aston University has shown HydroTaps to be up to 40% more energy efficient than a kettle, and not having to wait for kettles to boil can also increase workplace efficiency.
A triple-action sub-micron filtration system is said to remove dirt, rust, other particulates and chlorine.