Radiant panels deliver energy-efficient heating for health centre

S&P Coil Products, radiant heating, space heating
Energy-efficient heating for this new health centre in Runcorn is provided by S&P Thermatile radiant ceiling panels.

Heating for a large health centre in Runcorn is provided by radiant panels integrated into the ceilings and using LTHW. S&P Coil products supplied 91 bespoke Thermatile Plus panels for Castlefields Health Centre, built in partnership with NHS Halton & St Helens, Renova Developments and Galliford Try. They were installed by contractor H. E. Simm.

This method of heating reduces heat loads by 15% compared to conventional heating. Thermatile panels are very versatile. They are designed to fit easily into a standard suspended-ceiling grid. They can also be fitted into a plasterboard ceiling, angled on a wall or freely suspended from the soffit.

These panels can also be shaped to make a design feature. An extensive range of metallic, painted and coated finishes is available.

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