Stokvis launches heat exchangers for communal heating

Stokvis has developed a plate heat exchanger for use in district-heating schemes and centralised or satellite plant rooms, the Econoplate H allows for siimpler, effective and flexible integration of low- to zero-carbon technology at the central plant room.
Director Paul Sands explains, ‘With flats, sheltered schemes or student accommodation, it is a lot simpler and safer to have a district boiler rather than individual boilers requiring annual gas inspections and servicing. The H Series interface can be located in a kitchen or utility space and draws heat from the main flow and return circuit via a packaged-heat-exchanger interface.’
There is a ‘twin-plate’ option to separate heating and hot-water services and a ‘single-plate’ to separate heating only.
There is a number of ancillary devices, including metering for heat and water.