Rehau distributes biomass renewable heat at horse-racing stable

Rehau pre-insulated pipework has helped Sumcor Biomass deliver a biomass-based district-heating system at a horse-racing stable in Doncaster. From a central plant room housing a 200 kW ETA wood-chip boiler, 450 m of Rauvitherm pipe distributes heat and hot water to three homes, a tack room, swimming pool and toilet/shower block. The installation has reduced fuel costs by around £2000 a month compared with the previous oil-fired boilers.
A valved branch in the pipework will enable the system to be extended to a planned accommodation block for stable workers and jockeys.
The installation included four underground T joints and lead-in pipes at every system termination point.
Sumcor Biomass had used other district-heating pipework but been dissatisfied with its durability and the security of the jointing system. Rauvitherm has a full list of quality accreditations and uses Rehau’s Everloc compression joint sleeve.