Cable-management CPDs

Unitrunk has developed two CPD training presentations for its cable-management systems. They have been accredited by CIBSE and by CPD UK. Tim Brown of Unitrunk explains, ‘Some building-services consultants do not recognise CPD hours unless the CPD in question is CIBSE accredited. That is why we have gone through CIBSE’s strict accreditation process to ensure that we share our knowledge with as many professionals as possible and help them towards their CPD goals.’
The presentations are:
• Cable management solutions: minimise volume, maximise potential;
• Zinc whiskers: understanding the issue and appreciating the solution.
These CPDs are designed to help consultants, engineers and installers to understand the implications of cable-management systems on the design, buildability, sustainability and durability of their projects as part of the company’s commitment to support correct specification.