Toshiba rolls out new CPD programme on air conditioning

Toshiba Air Conditioning has expanded its programme of CPD courses for consultants, designers, installers and end users wishing to update their knowledge on key technical and legislative issues. The focus is on improving understanding of system design and application of the latest technology.
The courses are available from Toshiba training centres in Leatherhead, Manchester and Plymouth. They are also available from some Toshiba premises and customer premises.
In addition to courses on the fundamentals of air conditioning, there are sessions on the application of air-cooled VRF systems and the use of mechanical- and natural-cooling systems.
Other courses include the latest heat-pump technology.
There is also a session on how refrigerant leak-detection pump-down systems work and how to ensure they comply with legislation regarding refrigerant in occupied spaces, such as hotels.
For those interested in energy efficiency, there is a course on the practical aspects of applying SEER and COP calculations to VRF systems.