Toshiba adds more features to its air-conditioning controller
Toshiba’s new-generation RBC-TSI1 Black Pear air-conditioning controller includes a range of built-in modes to suit particular applications. They are hotel mode and two eco modes, one based on a timed fan operation and the other with separate setpoints for heating and cooling.
Black Pear controllers can be integrated with higher-level building-management systems via voltage and resistance, with discrete inputs on Modbus and special modes for use in multi-occupancy buildings.
Hotel mode provides a pre-set setback option which can be integrated with a key card.
The eco mode timed-fan mode enables a air-conditioning unit to run in operating mode for a pre-determined period of time, helping to minimise energy use while optimising comfort.
These controllers can be used with most Toshiba air-conditioning and ventilation products.
The Modbus address range is from 1 to 254. Up to 16 units can be operated in a master/follower configuration. There can be up to eight units on a single link, providing detailed information on each unit.