Call for engineers to sign LETI declaration of intent to move to zero carbon buildings in London by 2050

The London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI) has developed the LETI Declaration and is calling on industry leader to pledge to use the Declaration over the next 12 months.
The Declaration is a simple form that is appended to energy statements, and seeks to reward the efforts applicants make towards energy efficiency, low carbon heat and low carbon electricity. It is not an additional set of requirements, but provides information which can better inform the client, local authority and all stakeholders. LETI believes that using the Declaration leads to a focus on outcomes – leading to better buildings. The group fully supports the goal of a zero carbon London by 2050.
LETI is a voluntary network of over 150 built environment professionals, including engineers, contractors, architects and FMs. The group is coordinated by Elementa Consulting and was established to work collaboratively to put together evidence-based recommendations for the London Plan and the London Environment Policy.
LETI believes that in order to avoid ‘the most devastating effects’ of climate change, all new buildings must operate at net zero carbon by 2030. While regarding the London Plan as making ‘some big steps in the right direction’, LETI says that more can and should be done. The group also believes that current planning targets, based on Part L tools and the ‘notional building’ encourage a culture of false reporting, which does not lead to best practice design or performance for buildings.
The LETI Declaration considers metrics beyond the London Plan, which includes the predicted energy consumption of a development in kWh/m2, helping to address the performance gap by providing transparent information for all stakeholders.
Now in its second year, the LETI group’s main focus is to implement zero emissions principles across the London design and construction sector. Full details of the Declaration can be found at the link below.