CIBSE team awarded BEIS contract for new guidance for large heat pump installations in non-domestic buildings
CIBSE are working with an authoring team from Arup and a cross-industry steering group on a contract awarded by BEIS to produce new guidance on the installation of heat pumps in larger non-residential buildings.
The UK has set a legally binding target to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Achieving this will require virtually all heat in buildings to be decarbonised, and heat in industry to be reduced to close to zero carbon emissions.
The transition to clean heat needs to enable installers to deliver high quality heat pump installations to robust standards to protect businesses and consumers from sub-standard installations.
There is currently a lack of current UK focused technical guidance specifically for heat pumps in larger buildings.
CIBSE are working with an authoring team from Arup and a cross-industry steering group on a contract awarded by BEIS to produce new guidance on the installation of heat pumps in larger non-residential buildings.
The project aims to:
- Produce new guidance for large heat pump installations in non-domestic buildings, in both new and retrofit settings.
- Contribute towards delivering high quality design, installation, commissioning, operation, and maintenance of heat pump systems.
- Increase the awareness of common issues faced in delivering effective systems in larger buildings and seeking to reduce instances of ineffective systems.
The guidance will be free to use for designers, installers, and consumers, and will enable installations to follow best practice and be delivered safely, legally and to a high quality.
Arup, who developed the new, and recently published, CIBSE AM16 on heat pumps for apartment blocks will work as technical authors under the direction of the CIBSE Technical
team supported by a Steering Group comprising of industry stakeholders and representatives including developers, landlords, occupiers, designers, installers, operators, manufacturers, and other specialists.
Dr Hywel Davies, Technical Director of CIBSE highlighted the timeliness of this work: “We are delighted to be appointed to lead this project, which aligns with our drive to link knowledge development and best practice to support the technical improvement and through life performance of low carbon commercial and industrial buildings.”
Mike Edwards, Associate Director at Arup highlighted the importance to net zero targets “Heat pumps will play a crucial role in the UK’s net zero carbon transition. We are very pleased to have been appointed to lead the authoring of this best practice guidance, continuing our strong working relationship with CIBSE and other industry partners.
"Arup have been designing heat pump systems for large non-domestic buildings for several years- serving developments from Lords Cricket Ground to our own London offices. Our in-depth knowledge of these systems, and experience of their real-world operation will enhance our authoring of AM17”