Qvantum launches UK operations

Swedish heat pump manufacturer Qvantum has officially introduced its UK business, with invited guests attending the launch event at its new headquarters in Moorgate, London.
Priding itself on being ‘more than just a heat pump manufacturer’, Qvantum’s ambition is to heat the cities of Europe using affordable renewable technology, alongside a commitment to generating positive change in electricity grid balancing.
The innovative line-up of solutions includes:
- QE: Exhaust air heat pumps (4kW/6kW) capable of providing heating, instantaneous domestic hot water and ventilation.
- QG:Awater-to-water,geothermalorambientloopapartmentheat pump system (6kW/12kW) supplying heating, cooling and instantaneous domestic hot water for both single households with individual collectors as well as in ambient or low temperature water loop applications.
- QA+QH-XL/QH-L:Compactpre-plumbedhydrounitsusedinconjunction with a Qvantum R290 (propane) monobloc air source unit (9kW/15kW).
A modular design concept means that 80% of components are shared across the product line, including the unique integrated QH water tank shared across