Voice from on high gives instruction to evacuate Norwich Cathedral

When the existing PA/VA system proved to be inadequate in broadcasting evacuation messages in the cavernous and acoustically challenging interior of Norwich Cathedral, Vimpex Fire-Cryer voice sounders were installed as a replacement.
Paul Field, project engineer with BBC Fire protection, explains, ‘The specification for the new system called for three independent members of the cathedral’s staff to approve the sound quality and sign off the project. They found that the Fire-Cryers gave good intelligibility throughout the building — quite an achievement considering relatively few sounders were used to cover the interior of this grand cathedral.’
Maxi Fire-Cryers, industrial sounders with an output of 116 dB(A) and designed for open spaces, warehouses and harsh industrial environments, were installed. There are six in the Triforium above the nave and in the north and south transepts. There are six standard Fire-Cryers in offices, the shop and a storage area.