KNX takes control of the chicken run
A novel application of KNX technology is providing the right environment for some 12 000 free-range egg-laying hens. The system controls ventilation and lighting as well as access into the chicken shed. The security and comfort of the hens is import and maximise egg production.
The project includes a control panel, temperature sensors for damp environments and various switches and actuators. The system controls lighting, feed hopper, temperature and external doors giving the hens free access to outdoors during the day. It also monitors and logs temperature in the chicken shed.
The installation provides extremely accurate environmental control with minimum direct intervention from operators.
For future flexibility, the ability to reprogram timed events enables adjustments to be made easily without directly disturbing the livestock.
The client is looking to expand the system to monitor the volume of feed in silos and control several sheds form a central location.
It was installed by AGE Electrical Services of Buckinghamshire.