Travelodge becomes Andrews’ largest solar installation

Andrews Water Heaters’ largest SOLARflo water-heating installation to date comprises 33 solar panels, three single-coil preheat tanks and two ECOflo water heaters. They serve the 74 rooms of the new Travelodge in Fulham, each of which has an ensuite bath or shower room. Renewable energy was a requirement of planning consent, and the solar system is expected to contribute 37 MWh a year.
The solar panels are on the roof, with the water heaters, cylinders and other solar equipment in a mezzanine plant room above a ground-floor retail store. The total area of the solar thermal array is over 84 m2. The collectors have an absorption efficiency of 95% and an emission loss of only 5%.
Preheated water is transferred to the three 1250 l single-coil cylinders, which supply preheated water to two ECOflo water heaters fired by natural gas. Each condensing storage water heater has a capacity of 380 l and a recovery rate of 1400 l/h through 50 K.
Installation work was carried out by MITIE Engineering.