Smith’s fan convectors cover all levels

Smith’s Environmental Products has extended its Ecovector range of fan convector heaters with two new models — the HL (high level) and VE (vertical). These units are aimed at the domestic, social-housing and light-commercial markets and have all the features of the existing Ecovector range. They replace the existing Sterling, Sentry and Sentinel models.
Ecovector units can be fitted to existing heating systems and mixed on the same system with any natural convectors. They can be switched over to work with renewable technologies such as ground- and air-source heat pumps.
The HL can be installed above head height. Low-voltage models are available for high-humidity areas such as bathrooms and swimming pools. There are four mains versions with outputs of 1 to 4 kW and a 1 kW 12 V version.
Ecovector VE units are narrow units to fit into tight spaces. They have built-in room thermostat and controls. Outputs are up to 1.5 kW.