Effective air filtration

Camfil has published a ‘white paper’ highlighting the energy-saving opportunities that arise from choosing effective air filtration in non-domestic buildings. The company can demonstrate through a number of high-profile installations how air filters directly influence energy consumption in air-handling units that heat, cool and clean the air of some 200 000 air-conditioned buildings in the UK.

The guidance is called ‘Quick wins for energy savings in buildings: choosing low-energy air filters for both optimised energy performance and indoor air quality’.

The Federation of European Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Associations estimates that within the EU alone there is a potential annual energy saving of 5 TWh available by switching to low-energy air filters. That would equate to a saving of up to £500 million in the UK alone

You can track down the brochure on their web site below or download the brochure directly from the second link below.

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