Hamworthy widens ∆T
In response to market demand, Hamworthy Heating’s Wessex ModuMax condensing boilers can now operate at a ∆T of 30 K. This makes them particularly suitable for district-heating schemes and for schemes with dual heating sources such as condensing boilers supporting a renewable-energy source.
Keith Thompson, sales and marketing director, explains, ‘We are seeing more heating systems designed with a wider differential. This enables condensing boilers to operate with a lower return temperature, providing greater opportunities for them to actually condense, resulting in lower fuel consumption.
‘We identified a need in the market for boilers that can operate at these wider temperature differentials, particularly for our customers who are designing district-heating schemes.’
CIBSE guidance on CHP for buildings (AM12) makes specific reference to designing district-heating schemes with a ∆T of at least 30 K. This keeps flow rates and pipe sizes small and maintains a low flow temperature, even at part load, for more efficient plant operation.