S&S enhances kitchen safety at Claridges

Claridges, the iconic luxury hotel in Mayfair, London, has installed S&S Northern’s gas ventilation and interlock systems in the kitchens of the Banqueting Suite and Pause Restaurant. They were recommended and installed by Gazelle Ventures.
The project involved the installation of two 1 1/4 in Banic solenoid gas valves and CT1200s gas panel interlocks. The system allow the safe running of a commercial kitchen in compliance with industry standards BS 6173 and TB 140 by ensuring the a commercial kitchen’s ventilation system is working before the kitchen is turned on.
Brian Clemow, managing director of Gazelle Ventures, explained. ‘We have worked with Claridges for a number of years on projects large and small.
‘This project was quite complex as it required re-configuring the gas supply for two kitchens to minimise downtime should there be an issue with gas control to one of the kitchens.’