Delmatic takes control of lighting at DLR station

Delmatic has supplied an integrated network lighting-management system for the new Pudding Mill Lane station of the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) in London. It is the largest station on the DLR network and enhances access for people travelling to new entertainment venues in the area and the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
The Delmatic system provides networked management and monitoring of lighting throughout the platforms, concourse and back-of-house areas.
Energy efficiency is achieved through networked Dali sensors providing presence and absence detection throughout back-of-house areas, platforms and concourses — as well as through photo-cell control in areas with daylight.
This DLR station is part of the post-Olympics legacy and was undertaken with Crossrail, which needed to move the location of the previous station to make room for a tunnel portal for one of the new Crossrail lines.
Delamtic is supplying Dali lighting-management systems for the seven new Crossrail stations in central London. The project for the Pudding Mill Land DLR station extended from that involvement with Crossrail.