HIUs designed for efficiency and are pre-payment ready

Evinox’s ModuSat heat interface units (HIUs) are designed to deliver schemes that are efficient and easy to manage. They use PID (proportional integral derivative) control logic with PICVs (pressure-independent control valves) and a fast-acting actuator to modulate the primary flow rate to math the demand for DHW or space heating. The key benefits are consistent safe hot water at the tap and a low return temperature to the primary network.
Using PID-controlled PICVs in HIUs means that only one valve is needed for differential-pressure control, flow modulation and full energy shut off. This reduces the size and weight of the unit, minimises maintenance costs and increases functionality.
Evinox HIUs are supplied prepayment ready as standard, with a room controller for the end user. There is no requirement for additional controls, sensors or equipment to provide the user with a prepayment system.