Howzat for Nor-Ray-Vac?

The one-thousandth installation of AmbiRad’s Nor-Ray-Vac continuous radiant-tube heating system is for the new Jarrett Indoor Cricket Centre of Reeds School in Cobham, Surrey. The centre consists of five training cricket wickets in the sports hall, with six changing rooms, reception space and toilets on the ground floor.
On the first floor are two viewing galleries and an external balcony with views over the sports field.
The Nor-Ray-Vac system comprises three 32 kW burners arranged on one zone feeding into a manifold and discharging products of combustion to atmosphere by a fan outside the playing environment.
The runs of radiant heating are designed to be co-ordinated with the lighting design and the arrangement of the cricket netting. The system is designed to provide overall coverage of the sports facility, with no cold spots.