Swegon goes for Gold in AHUs

The latest addition to the renowned Swegon GOLD air handling unit is the RX/HC – a fully integrated reverse cycle heat pump, developed to complement energy recovery from the unique thermal wheel and provide tempered fresh air to the ventilation system.
The package requires no other boiler, chiller or associated pipework, pumps and valves etc, so reducing the overall capital cost to a project and reducing risk by all requirements delivered in one smart package.
The unit can be supplied with airflows up to 6.5 m3/s and provide up to 110kW of Cooling or up to 40 kW of Heating. The heat pump controller is combined with the GOLD AHU controls to provide seamless and optimised temperature control and all settings can be viewed or amended from one single HMI.
Complete with the latest, digital inverter-controlled compressor technology the temperature control is delivered steplessly and efficiently.