About CIBSE student bursaries
Stimulating interest in building-services engineering as a career and supporting students through their degree courses are two long-term strategies of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers. An important element of this work is the award of student bursaries. LYNNE BEATTIE explains.It is well known that building-services engineering discipline does not feature large on the careers agenda for many school leavers. However, CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers) has recently been seeking to address and enhance its approach to careers promotion with a wide-ranging review of its strategy. One innovative approach which has emerged from this review is a scheme to promote bursaries for full-time students on approved courses leading to a degree in building-services engineer. This idea was first taken up by the CIBSE North East Region which, to support courses offered at the University of Northumbria, created partnerships with local companies to provide funding to support students who otherwise might not have opted for building-services engineering. These relationships have proved to be very fruitful, bringing regional members, industry figures and the University of Northumbria into closer contact — to their mutual benefit. Other CIBSE Regions, such as East and West Midlands, have now enthusiastically taken up this approach. Also quick to see the merit of providing bursaries was the AG Manly Trust, which now sponsors students at London South Bank University. Similarly, the Worshipful Company of Fanmakers is also making a bursary available, from this academic year, to a deserving student. In addition to encouraging new entrants to the industry, a further aim in providing bursaries is to assist in the formation of rounded professionals who understand the nature of the industry and the value of participating in professional life. To this end, bursary recipients undertake to maintain contact with sponsors and also with CIBSE through written progress reports and attendance at certain events. CIBSE would very much like to encourage industry support for its future potential high fliers, as the medium and long term benefits to sponsors of this scheme are significant. Nine universities in the UK offer CIBSE-accredited building-services degree courses.London South Bank University
University of Nottingham
Northumbria University
The University of Manchester
University of Ulster
Glasgow Caledonian University
Heriot-Watt University
University of Strathclyde
University of Glamorgan If you would like further information on how to become a sponsor, please contact Lynn Beattie either by e-mail at lbeattie@cibse.org or on tel. 0208 772 3601. Lynn Beattie is director of education and professional development with the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers.