Zip refines and extends Aquaflo cylinder range

Zip Heaters (UK) has redesigned and extended its range of Aquaflo unvented water-heating cylinders. Made of high-quality corrosion-resistant Duplex stainless steel, this range is available in seven capacities from 90 to 300 l in direct and indirect configurations. Solar-compatible models are available from 150 l upwards.
The heat loss from Aquaflo cylinders has been significantly reduced, and a smaller-diameter casing makes for easier site access and installation. Further enhancements include a scuff-resistant, plasticised case finish and impact-resistant lid and base mouldings.
These cylinders include Incoloy elements. Multi-element options with up to 12 kW total loading are available for larger cylinders. The new primary coil-in-coil system is more compact and positioned lower in the cylinder to give greater effective capacity. External expansion is retained for reliability and ease of installation.