Danfoss helps achieve affordable heating in affordable homes

Contributing to lower energy bills for upgraded heating systems in affordable homes managed by Origin Housing in London and Hertfordshire are various controls from Danfoss Randall. They include advanced electronic room thermostats, TRVs and time controls for 190 properties — including flats, houses, bungalows and sheltered housing units.
Contractor Taylor Heating replaced old boilers with condensing models and manual heating controls with energy-saving controls from Danfoss. The new heating systems are designed to comply with Part L, which requires at least two heating zones and one hot-water zone. Each heating zone must have at least one room thermostat and individual radiator control such as thermostatic radiator valves.
The RET230P electronic room thermostats for this project have a large setting dial that is easy to use and read. A mix of hard-wired and wireless room thermostats were specified, depending on the property; Danfoss supplied special versions with raised ‘touch’ controls for tenants with impaired vision. Bi-directional TRVs were installed.
Completing the controls contract are FP715Si time controls with service-interval function. They can be programmed for seven days, five/two days or 24 hours and automatically change between GMT and BST. A reminder is displayed 28 days before a boiler service is due.