Heat-interface units include DHW cylinder

MHS Boilers has launched a range of floor-standing heat-interface units with an integrated stainless-steel unvented storage cylinder for hot water. Nexus S-FS units provide independent heating and hot water in multi-dwelling developments served by central plant. These units are available with cylinder capacities from 80 to 305 l. Integral storage makes possible a lower output from central plant than systems providing instantaneous hot water.
An integral plate heat exchanger provides hydraulic separation from the district-heating circuit, with a secondary circuit serving the central heating and cylinder coil. A pump is built in.
Heat and water meters can be fitted so bills can be calculated for individual dwellings. Meters can be supplied with pulse or M-Bus outputs. Prepayment facilities are available.
The system in the dwelling can be filled using a WRAS approved filling loop to the cold-water supply , or inhibitor-dosed water may be filled from the main district-heating circuit.