Olympic legacy building transforms to Here East

The former press and broadcast centre of the London 2012 Olympic Games, for which Grundfos was the sole pump supplier, is being configured into a tech and media hub. The original design has meant that the building can be easily adapted, which is proving to be invaluable as the building makes its transition into a tech and media hub.
Called Here East, it will come into full operation during 2017, and is expected to be the largest technology innovation centre in Europe. It will support 500 on-site organisations with state-of-the-art facilities.
The centre was designed to include ‘green’ office space with four storeys of workspace.
The original pump installation involves over 70 NBE energy-efficient pumps, all of which were supplied pre-bolted and pre-wired on inertia bases. 10 pressurisation sets were also supplied, as well as six Hydro MPC-E booster sets.