Dunham-Bush fan coils deliver efficient comfort

Dunham-Bush has supplied over 290 Cougar and Puma fan-coil units to Woodford Heating & Energy for the prestigious Morello Quarter residential development in Croydon, formerly the Galaxy House site. The development aims to achieve Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes and has a low-emissions strategy. There are 290 high-specification apartments with two or three bedrooms in four connected buildings with concierge and boutique-style reception areas.
Bill Eastman, contract manager with Woodford, said, ‘Each apartment has been fitted with ultra-quiet Cougar fan-coil units, installed to serve the lounge and bedroom areas. This ensures occupants achieve comfortable room temperatures in both summer and winter.’
Puma fan-coil units have been installed in the reception and lift areas. These units are vertical waterside-control chassis units with EC motors.
Half of the site has been dedicated to garden landscaping, creating a peaceful outside apace. The is also an on-site gym and close proximity to shops and transport hubs.