Imofa overcomes site challenges to install new air-handling plant

When the refurbishment of Colchester Town Hall, dating from 1898, included improved disability access, the installation of a disabled lift came at the expense of the plant room and air-handling plant providing heating, ventilation and comfort cooling to the Jury Room, Mayor’s Parlour, members and committee rooms. However, Imofa UK rose to the challenge of removing existing plant and installing a new unit on time.
Imofa’s solution involved repositioning the fresh-air inlet in the external plant room and using the plant room itself as the inlet duct.
The original air-handling unit was taken apart by the Imofa site team, the panels cut up and, together with all component parts, removed through the high-level external plant room at the new location for the new fresh-air inlet. The replacement Imofa unit was delivered to site as a flat pack, along with a new axial-flow extract fan and silencer, centrifugal supply fan and heating and cooling coils. All components were transported to the plant room via the fire stairs and assembled in situ.