Remeha and Zenex develop highly efficient commercial heating

Remeha Commercial’s Quinta Eco Plus range of commercial heating and hot-water systems is designed to recover energy from the flue gases equivalent to about 15% of the gross input for pre-heating domestic hot water or space heating, such as running first radiators or underfloor heating. Quinta Pro Plus achieves maximum condensing at full output at all temperatures and at all times to achieve a gross efficiency of 97% at 82/71°C.
Quinta Pro Plus consists of the Quinta Pro fully modulating commercial condensing boiler and the Eco Plus, a passive flue-gas heat-recovery device developed by Remeha and Zenex Technologies. The unit on the right in the picture has four heat-recovery modules above a Quinta Pro boiler.
The Quinta Eco Plus is manufactured and pre-assembled in a wheel-in enclosure. Pre-plumbed and configure in a rigid mobile frame for ease of installation, it is suitable for existing and new buildings.
Modules are available with outputs of 65, 90 and 115 kW. Multiple servers can be combined to suit building demand.