
Tuffa tanks to the rescue

28 January, 2008

As part of the renovation of the fire station at Hove by East Sussex Fire & Rescue Services, a Tuffa Firestop 10 000 litre tank was installed to serve the heating system. It replaces an old steel tank that was inside the building.

To help achieve the highest possible BREEAM rating for a new Government building in Bournemouth, cooling and fresh air are provided by SAS active chilled beams.
exploded view
Terry Farthing share his views on why the popularity of multi-service chilled beams is growing so rapidly.
integratedThe ceiling designed for a major refurbishment project in Dublin combines cooling with other services such as lighting and smoke detectors into a zone just 85 mm deep.
From reducing the energy requirement for comfort cooling to overcoming the constraints of refurbishing buildings, chilled beams can provide imaginative solutions. John Staunton explains.
Growing numbers of services engineers are building chilled beams and ceilings into their designs in the search for more innovative and flexible low energy solutions, says Alan Green.
Multi-service chilled beams form a key part of the low-energy solution for a new building at Southampton University. Supplied by Trox for the Treble E (engineering, entrance and education) building, the beams are supplied with chilled water from an absorption chiller with a flow temperature of 14°C and a return of 17°C. The chiller is linked to the recently completed site-wide district-heating and CHP plant.
10 years ago, the market for chilled ceilings and beams was very much smaller than it is today — and the market will continue to grow, according to Saziye Dickson.

Heating efficiency for today

28 January, 2008
Richard Evans explains why high-efficiency and condensing boilers are still one of the most popular ways to meet the energy requirements for modern heating systems.
Heating boilers in student halls of residence throughout the central campus of the University of Warwick are progressively being replacing with Atag E Series condensing boilers to reduce fuel costs and carbon footprint.
Vaillant high-efficiency ecoMAX commercial boilers have been installed at Cranford Hose School in Wallingford, Oxfordshire, to replace an old leaking boiler.
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Dr Robin Cotton explains how biomass is providing heating solutions for large-scale applications such as district-heating systems and outlines its future development prospects in the UK.
Baxi’s commercial-heating training academy at Erdington in the West Midlands is fully equipped with boilers from Potterton Commercial and water-heating products from Andrews Water Heaters. All the appliances are live, enabling training to be delivered on products, installations, commissioning, servicing and fault finding.
As part of the refurbishment of the 4-storey house in Hackney of Tommy Walsh of Groundforce fame, a Keston C55 wall-hung condensing boiler serves the heating system. There are four very large bedrooms and underfloor heating throughout the ground floor. These boilers are room sealed, so they can be installed almost anywhere.
Peter Roege considers how UN and British climate-change policies impact on the design and operation of boiler houses. affect your boiler house.
Extensive, indepedent testing of Hoval UltraGas boilers has confirmed that their average NOx emissions are less than 40 mg/kWh. This means that these boilers, across the full range of outputs from 15 to 1440 kW, achieve the full maximum BREEAM rating of three points for NOx emissions.
Stokvis Energy Systems has devised a standard specification for its Heatpak packaged boiler rooms. They are available with various heat outputs for rapid delivery to site.
10 years ago, wall-hung boilers above 100 kW would have been almost unthinkable, but now they are commonplace in commercial heating installations. Richard Walker explains how the market is changing to embrace smaller boilers in light-commercial applications.
Adding Zenex GasSavers to three condensing boilers in the multi-purpose Plymouth Pavilions has solved under-performance issues that resulted to inadequate supplies of hot water. and reduced overall gas consumption by at least 25%.

Condensing combi boiler

28 January, 2008
Saunier Duval’s Semia Condens combi boiler is available with outputs of 24 and 30 kW and a SEDBUK B rating. They have a stainless-steel recuperator, pipe-connection tails that are clip distance from the wall and a telescopic flue option.
Glow-worm’s new Ultracom range of high-efficiency combi boilers is available with outputs of 24, 30 and 38 kW. They all have a back-lit and stylishly designed programmer to give complete control and flexibility over heating and hot-water requirements.
The recently opened £30 million Redland Green School in Bristol has its space-heating requirements met by three Broag-Remeha 310/7 boilers installed by Lorne Stewart. These floor-standing boilers were recommended for this particular location for the efficiency and performance and ultra-low NOx emissions.
Most boiler suppliers and manufacturers offer a biomass option — but what is driving the demand for biomass, and how can you ensure a successful installation? Ian Bradley has some pointers.
Click the link below to download a PDF file of our Editorial Programme for 2008.

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