Mikrofill takes care of natal services

Heating and hot-water services for the Mermaid Maternity Retreat on King’s Road in Chelsea are provided by two wall-mounted condensing boilers supplied by Mikrofill and two Rapide Extreme HWS loading cylinders. This specialist non-medical maternity retreat provides a full range of support and wellbeing services. It is also a place to stay and be looked after before and after giving birth.
The change of use and redevelopment of the buildings required efficient plant with a compact footprint.
Designed by Freddie Brown Associates of Surrey, the installation comprises two 110 kW boilers, a Mikrovent low-loss header, air and dirt separator and the two loading cylinders, which can supply over 5000 l/h at 60°C. The boilers have a total modulation of 14:1 to ensure efficient load matching.
The equipment was installed by Greenhill Air Conditioning of Dronfield.