2006 October

Only the BESCA will do for design-and-build contractor

An effective approach to self-certification

What the 10% renewable-energy target means for you

Addressing the need for cooling

Taking the leap towards a low- to zero-carbon economy

Tackling waste as the first stage of responding to climate change

Connection system makes light work of solar PV installations

Heat pumps have a choice of energy sources

Showing the way to renewable energy

Vaillant helps give solar hot water a brighter future

Stiebel Eltron harnesses solar energy

Maximising the efficiency of fixed-speed pumps

Smedegaard set for revitalisation

Exploiting the technical opportunities of variable-speed pumps

Twin-pump booster sets for town houses

Whole-house heat recovery comes down in size

Grundfos puts pressure on the efficiency of domestic circulators

Contractors join in Oxford to Cambridge cycle ride

The role of commissioning in maximising pump performance

Taconova launches solar station

Clyde helps Bromley move to condensing boilers

Vaillant extends its solar-heating range

Kildare County Council offices lean towards natural ventilation
Calorex boosts its pace of investment

Ideal boilers are star performers in top hotel

NHS treatment centre goes native BACnet

Fulton packages reverse-osmosis water treatment with packaged plant

Heating capability decides choice of air-conditioning system

Andrews in support role at new children’s theatre

Vokera solves flue safety issue

Air conditioning goes Underground
17-year old boilers refurbished with new controls

Powrmatic space heating is top gear for car showroom

Ex-Or saves penalty of unnecessary lighting at football stadium

Vaillant brings solar energy to Flat Holm Island

Ferroli boilers perform for new sports centre

Fire-prevention technology is proved in storage facility
JS competes in Little Britain regatta
Daikin invests in UK technology centre

Built environment professionals remain positive on future of Net Zero
A recent survey by global climate tech firm IES has revealed that nearly three-quarters of UK built environment professionals believe achieving a Net Zero built environment by 2050 is within reach.
BESA research suggests clients are yet to engage with new building safety regime
Construction clients are failing to engage with the new building safety regime, according to research carried out by the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA).